24% energii w Danii pochodzi z energii wiatru -
to światowy rekord. Ale Duńczycy na tym nie poprzestają - w 2050 r. ma
to być już 50% energii, a dodatkowo kraj ma być wtedy całkowicie
niezależny od paliw kopalnych. Dania jest też znaczącym producentem
instalacji wiatrowych - około 50,000 turbin zostało eksportowanych z
tego kraju, co stanowi niemal 50% instalacji wiatrowych na świecie.
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fot: Dirk Goldhahn,CC-BY-SA-2.5 |
With 24% of its electricity produced by wind power, Denmark already holds the world
record - and still, the Danes have plans for more, reports Der Spiegel
By 2020, Denmark hopes to turn their 24% into 50% and by
2050, be completely independent of fossil fuels. And not only does
Denmark utilize wind power, but they produce the hardware for it as
well. It is estimated that 50,000 wind turbines have been exported from
Denmark, which is nearly 50% of the wind-powered generators worldwide.
Full Article:
Full Article:
Embracing the Wind: Denmark's Recipe for a Model Democracy
"Hailed as a "miracle of modern politics," Denmark consistently earns top marks for its efficient governance, innovation and transparency. Nowhere is this more apparent than with its successful embrace of wind power, making it a role model for the world."
"Hailed as a "miracle of modern politics," Denmark consistently earns top marks for its efficient governance, innovation and transparency. Nowhere is this more apparent than with its successful embrace of wind power, making it a role model for the world."