Reaktory w Fukushimie wyemitowały olbrzymie ilości izotopów
promieniotwórczych pomiędzy 12 a 16 marca 2011 r. W tym czasie na całym
świecie były prowadzone pomiary mas powietrza nad północną hemisferą. Izotopy promieniotwórcze z Fukushimy dotarły także do Polski.
Analiza w dniach 12 - 16 marca wykazała, że masy powietrza znad Fukushimy przesunęły się na wschód: część opuściła Japonię na północy kraju, a część przez południową część Japonii.
Analiza w dniach 12 - 16 marca wykazała, że masy powietrza znad Fukushimy przesunęły się na wschód: część opuściła Japonię na północy kraju, a część przez południową część Japonii.
Massive amounts of anthropogenic radionuclides were released from the
nuclear reactors located in Fukushima (northeastern Japan) between 12
and 16 March 2011 following the earthquake and tsunami. Ground level air
radioactivity was monitored around the globe immediately after the
Fukushima accident. This global effort provided a unique opportunity to
trace the surface air mass movement at different sites in the Northern
The analysis of the air mass forward movements during 12th -16th March showed that the air mass was displaced eastward from the Fukushima area and bifurcated into a northern and a southern branch outside of Japan (Fig. 3). This eastward bifurcation of air masses is in agreement with the simulation of the potential dispersion of the radioactive cloud after the nuclear accident of Fukushima (Weather OnlineWebsite of United Kingdom, UK, 2012).
The unique global coverage of fallout radiocaesium released from the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, particularly a fresh injection of
134Cs and 137Cs to the ground air provided a rare opportunity to
observe a complete, uninterrupted revolution of the mid-latitude Surface
Westerlies of the northern Hemisphere in late March 2011. This
revolution took less than 21 days.
This work clearly demonstrates how little dissipation occurred during this time due to the nature of the rapid global air circulation system, and the Fukushima radioactive plume contaminated the entire Northern Hemisphere during a relatively short period of time.
This work clearly demonstrates how little dissipation occurred during this time due to the nature of the rapid global air circulation system, and the Fukushima radioactive plume contaminated the entire Northern Hemisphere during a relatively short period of time.