pierwszej połowie 2012 r. Niemcy generowały już 1/4 swojej energii ze
źródeł odnawialnych. To olbrzymi skok w porównaniu z 20% z zeszłego roku
i 18% z 2010.
Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way:
Germany Generates A Quarter of its Electricity from Renewable Energy in 1st Half of 2012
Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way:
Germany Generates A Quarter of its Electricity from Renewable Energy in 1st Half of 2012
During the first half of 2012, the share of renewable energy sources in
the electricity supply has risen significantly in Germany, climbing to a
sensational 25.97%. That’s a massive increase compared to 20.56%, the
percentage during the same period in 2011, and 18.3% in
H1 2010.
-- Clean Technica
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H1 2010.
-- Clean Technica
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