Jak PGE "uczciło" 27 rocznicę katastrofy jądrowej w Czarnobylu? - grożąc lokalnemu komitetowi obywatelskiemu pozwem sądowym za krytykę broszury wydanej przez PGE na temat potencjalnej lokalizacji elektrowni jądrowej w Lubiatowie. Komitet "Nie dla atomu w Lubiatowie" ośmielił się zamieścić na swojej stronie internetowej skan broszury PGE z naniesionym na nią krytycznym tekstem. Skrytykował między innymi informację jakoby użycie ciężkiego sprzętu podczas badań lokalizacyjnych miało nie stanowić zagrożenia dla tamtejszego obszaru Natura 2000.
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Jan Haverkamp, Greenpeace:
How does the President of the Board and director of nuclear-hopefull Polish utility PGE's nuclear daughter spend his Chernobyl Day?
Well - by threatening the local environmental group Lubiatowo Dunes with court and penalties for spoofing the brochure they spread house-to-house "explaining" how without any damage they are going to drive with huge machines and drill several dozens of 200 meter deep holes in the partly Natura2000 unique free flowing sand dunes of the site they have chosen for Poland's first nuclear power plant. They want to do this to see if the site is usable for a nuclear plant.
1. The comments in on the website of Lubiatowo Dunes are completely fair.
2. PGE uses bullying because they have not carried out the legally prescribed Environmental Impact Assessment for this site research and Lubiatowo Dunes and Greenpeace are questioning that.
3. And they think they can get away with this because they can pay expensive lawyers.
Poland is facing crucial decisions for its energy future. Shouldn't Alexander Grad do something else on 26 April? Maybe remember what happened in Chernobyl?
You can see the original letter in the pictures.
You can find the spoofed brochure here:
The English translation of the letter is:
PGE Nuclear Energy SA
00-496 Warszawa, ul. Mysia 2
tel: 22 340 10 53, fax 22 34 010 41
Warsaw, 26 April 2013
Tadeusz Pastusiak
representative of
the Environmental Tourism Association "Lubiatowo Dunes"
ul. Kwiatowa 1, Kopalino, 84-210 Choczewo
Subject: Publications on the sitehttp://www.niedlaatomuwlubiatowie.pl/
Concerning the case of posting without the consent of PGE EJ SA an information brochure of PGE EJ SA on the site research location on the website www.niedlaatomuwlubiatowie.pl/ej-w-gm-choczewo.html, processed in such a way, that it contains information that is untrue and could mislead readers, we demand the immediate removal of the processed unlawful brochures from the given web page and to stop distribution of these brochures in any other way.
Furthermore, we point out that the reworked brochure of PGE EJ SA posting false information and causing an erroneous impression to the readers as to the nature of of the site research constitutes an unlawful act and violates the good name of PGE EJ SA.
Moreover, it should be noted that the presentation of unreliable and inaccurate information on the theme of site research that will be conducted in connection with the possible location of a nuclear power plant generates negative social impacts by causing unfounded concerns with the public about the legality and fairness of the planned site research. The result of these incorrect statements may be call forward social unrest, which in a direct manner could likely disturb public order and cause disruption of the planned site research.
Due to the illegal nature of these actions in the present reworked information brochure and the spreading of this work via the Internet, in the case of non-compliance with this demand, PGE EJ SA will take all necessary legal steps to remove the causes of the breach of law and to prevent further breaches, including the demand for repair of damages and payment of compensation or an appropriate sum to a specific social purpose.
PGE Nuclear Energy S.A.
President of the board
Aleksander Grad (2 zdjęcia)